Monday, February 28, 2011

Getting Geared up for My Favorite Topic!

Girls Getaways!!! Tis the season' ~
My spring usually consists of three Girls Getaway Weekends that I plan, run and attend. One for my fellow preschool teachers, one for my church ladies (I use that term loosely ~ he he) and one for my girlfriends. Although, this year the one for my girlfriends was postponed and is now one for my family to celebrate my Grandmother's Birthday (a big special one I won't say the number but it rhymes with Gatey). My February/March gets busy ~ besides being mommy to four, wife to one, teacher to 45, you get it ~ I am busy burning Girls Weekend CD's, making Welcome Bags, Raffle Prizes, emailing chefs, organizing painting poolside & horseback riding and just keeping my eye on the prize enjoying each weekend in it's entirety. Over the next few weeks I will cover quite a bit from who, what, where, HOW? What makes it special? What do I get out of Getting Away?

Just a few of the Family Girls Getaway Girls in Westport, Ct Jan 2008 at our PJ Party complete with chair massages! Guess turquoise was a big color that season?

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