I awoke early in the morning, hopes and excitement fizzing in my head like a volcano. Sure it was a long ride to the beautiful and wonderful place that we call Savannah. Even so, I couldn't help but think about all the wonderful things that my mom had planned for us.
My name is Gabby and I'm Kara's oldest daughter. We were going to Savannah for a birthday present (not for me, for Daddy) and my whole family was so excited about the trip. So, we headed out to Savannah. http://www.savannahvisit.com/
Three or four hours later, we arrived in Savannah, already seeing it's true potential. The scenery was so magnificent and the historical squares made me just want to jump out of the car and find out some facts! The squares are all historical and are all unique. Every square has a different theme and we couldn't wait to find out more!
Our little home away from home in Savannah was a large, modern, tidy, homey and not as haunted as the other buildings (Savannah is one of the most haunted places in the U.S.). It's a two-bedroom condo just down the street from The Lady & Sons (Paula Deen's restaurant). As soon as we were unpacked, we grabbed our cameras and adventured through the city of Savannah. www.vrbo.com/134836 (this link is to the unit adjacent to the one we rented both are available for rent through the same owner, only one has a website) Photos are from our condo!

Our first stop was a little restaurant where some of a movie called Forrest Gump (I'm pretty sure you've heard of it) was filmed. Famous for their burgers (and Forrest) Laurie's (used to be Debi's) Restaurant, a local FAVE is a great place for a family to eat. You'll have to try the Big A** Burger while you're there. It's truly fantastic! http://www.debisrestaurant.com/
After our great lunch, we headed to our first square, dedicated to Nathaniel Greene and Tomo-chi-chi. Tomo-chi-chi helped with discovering and making Georgia while Greene was one of George Washington's best friends and trusted generals. Even though a statue for Greene was built right on top of poor old Tomo-chi-chi's grave, he's still a good guy.
We visited almost every square and we were ready for a scavenger hunt! Aubrey (my sister) was totally in it to win it by finding every single thing in a Savannah Safari booklet. We enjoyed all the riddles and found everything with laughs and joy in our hearts. Find the booklets in the Juliette Gordon Lowe house's gift shop! http://www.savannahsafari.com/
At the end of the day, around 4 or 5pm, we decided to go on a carriage ride of the city. The company's name was Plantation Carriage Company in City Market and boy, did they have good service! With my jacket zipped and my dad's arm keeping me on the carriage ride, we learned all about the city that we loved (even if we had only been there for a few hours). My favorite part was when I was able to see a few sites of some scenes in Forrest Gump! 
We ate dinner at a place called the River House and the spookiest,creepiest,craziest thing happened! While eating dinner, the table rose abruptly and fell. I asked my brother Grayson if he had done it and he said no! Even though it was scary, I was glad that we were able to share a dinner with a phantom! I got the greatest Filet Mignon I've ever tasted with a side of mashed potatoes (my favorite meal). http://www.riverhouseseafood.com/
Afterwards, we went back home, played a few rounds of our family's favorite game Spot It, and went to sleep after Grammy turned into a Tickle Monster! Of course, for the whole night, I was scared that my little dinner phantom would come and sleep at the house. I made it through the night with no ghosts for company, so I was fine, thank you very much.
Spot It Game Info - www.blueorangegames.com/spotit/
Tickle Monster info read Mom's Blog about Amelia Island where she purchased it -

On the second day, we went through the squares again, this time on the way to a haunted restaurant known as the Pirate House (Arrrrrgh!). One of the ghosts is known to pull on little kids hair (Look out 4-6 year olds)! This restaurant was the birthplace of the book Treasure Island where the author met a real pirate and discussed the classic in the 1700s! A good thing to get at this little restaurant is the delicious (and nutritious) fried chicken. It's the juiciest chicken I've ever eaten! http://www.thepirateshouse.com/

A great place to go for a special treat at any time (we went after the pirate house) is the Savannah Candy Kitchen on River street. It has 5 rooms of candy (at least) and is one of the only places that sells a delicious thing called a praline. They were freshly made and so warm and soft. A true treat! Thanks Mom! http://www.savannahcandy.com/

My name is Gabby and I'm Kara's oldest daughter. We were going to Savannah for a birthday present (not for me, for Daddy) and my whole family was so excited about the trip. So, we headed out to Savannah. http://www.savannahvisit.com/
Three or four hours later, we arrived in Savannah, already seeing it's true potential. The scenery was so magnificent and the historical squares made me just want to jump out of the car and find out some facts! The squares are all historical and are all unique. Every square has a different theme and we couldn't wait to find out more!
Our little home away from home in Savannah was a large, modern, tidy, homey and not as haunted as the other buildings (Savannah is one of the most haunted places in the U.S.). It's a two-bedroom condo just down the street from The Lady & Sons (Paula Deen's restaurant). As soon as we were unpacked, we grabbed our cameras and adventured through the city of Savannah. www.vrbo.com/134836 (this link is to the unit adjacent to the one we rented both are available for rent through the same owner, only one has a website) Photos are from our condo!
After our great lunch, we headed to our first square, dedicated to Nathaniel Greene and Tomo-chi-chi. Tomo-chi-chi helped with discovering and making Georgia while Greene was one of George Washington's best friends and trusted generals. Even though a statue for Greene was built right on top of poor old Tomo-chi-chi's grave, he's still a good guy.

We visited almost every square and we were ready for a scavenger hunt! Aubrey (my sister) was totally in it to win it by finding every single thing in a Savannah Safari booklet. We enjoyed all the riddles and found everything with laughs and joy in our hearts. Find the booklets in the Juliette Gordon Lowe house's gift shop! http://www.savannahsafari.com/
We ate dinner at a place called the River House and the spookiest,creepiest,craziest thing happened! While eating dinner, the table rose abruptly and fell. I asked my brother Grayson if he had done it and he said no! Even though it was scary, I was glad that we were able to share a dinner with a phantom! I got the greatest Filet Mignon I've ever tasted with a side of mashed potatoes (my favorite meal). http://www.riverhouseseafood.com/
Afterwards, we went back home, played a few rounds of our family's favorite game Spot It, and went to sleep after Grammy turned into a Tickle Monster! Of course, for the whole night, I was scared that my little dinner phantom would come and sleep at the house. I made it through the night with no ghosts for company, so I was fine, thank you very much.
Spot It Game Info - www.blueorangegames.com/spotit/
Tickle Monster info read Mom's Blog about Amelia Island where she purchased it -
On the second day, we went through the squares again, this time on the way to a haunted restaurant known as the Pirate House (Arrrrrgh!). One of the ghosts is known to pull on little kids hair (Look out 4-6 year olds)! This restaurant was the birthplace of the book Treasure Island where the author met a real pirate and discussed the classic in the 1700s! A good thing to get at this little restaurant is the delicious (and nutritious) fried chicken. It's the juiciest chicken I've ever eaten! http://www.thepirateshouse.com/

A great place to go for a special treat at any time (we went after the pirate house) is the Savannah Candy Kitchen on River street. It has 5 rooms of candy (at least) and is one of the only places that sells a delicious thing called a praline. They were freshly made and so warm and soft. A true treat! Thanks Mom! http://www.savannahcandy.com/
Me at the Savannah Candy Kitchen
We had to say goodbye to my mom's parents a little after that and that's pretty much where our journey ended (other than finishing the scavenger hunt). Other places to go on River Street is the Waving Girl statue and for the parents, a little margarita place called Wet Willies. The Waving Girl is about a young woman who lost her husband to the sea. People weren't sure if he was dead or alive, but he never came back. So, she waited and waved to every ship, day and night, with a little handkerchief in hand. She waved to every ship for 44 years and was given a party for her 75th birthday.
Wet Willies
Thank you so much for listening and I hope you enjoy your stay in the other world right here in Georgia!~Gabriella age 11 (5th grade)
Savannah has a great FACEBOOK page!!! They are happy to answer questions and give suggestions and tips about their fantastic city! www.facebook.com/VisitSavannahGa
I'm awed by Gabby's blog !!!!! Great job Gabby.... Can't wait to try all the hot spots in Savannah !
She asked if she could write a weekly post and I think I am going to let her. She said we could call it Kid's Corner
Gabby - Love, love, love your post! You are such an amazingly talented writer. You have such a wonderful gift. With your tone and word choice, I truly felt like I was there with you on your trip. I am glad you had a such a fantastic time in Savannah. I lived there when I was your age so it's really fun for me to see it through your eyes.
~Mrs. Hays
.....[the tickle monster]
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