When you attend one of my Girls Weekends you leave not only with your heart filled with happiness but with a bag full of goodies selected especially for you! It is a pleasant surprise (even when you come to expect it) to find a gift on your bed awaiting your arrival. Throughout the year leading up to a trip I keep my eyes out for GREAT deals on FUN stuff! Dollar stores, clearance bins, eBay - have all become my good friends. There are usually staple items in the bags - cute pack of tissues, mints or gum, lip balm, ear plugs, Tylenol, Emergen-C etc. But I also get good deals on great sample and sometimes full size brand name items like Philosophy, Burt's Bees, LUSH products and more. Marshall's, TJ Maxx and Drugstore.com are also great treasure hunting locations when it comes to good prices on great products. The bags themselves vary from year to year ~ one year I ordered them and had them printed up, another year a friend made them, some years I just find a good deal on a bunch of good shopping bags from Old Navy or Publix.

Contents of the Welcome Bags also vary depending on what where the weekend is being held. For example, when we went to Serenbe several years ago which is a country farm like atmosphere I included a creme called Udderly Smooth and a lip balm called Chicken Poop. One year I had all the ladies attending my Girlfriend's Girls Weekend send me 20 items for the bags so they essentially filled the bags themselves. We had great stuff from hand-made soaps to Starbucks Gift Cards. When it is a special Birthday Girls Getaway I try to ask the birthday girl to give me a list of their favorite - gum/mints, snack, lip gloss/balm, guilty pleasure and I fill the bag with their favorite things. I like to print little labels explaining each item and why it is their fave. Someone recently asked me "what if you were to drop doing the bags?" and my reply is some women never get given anything. If a pack of gum makes them smile then that makes my heart happy! Who knows you might find a "new favorite" thing in one of my Welcome Bags.

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I LOVE YOUR BAGS!!!!!!!!!!!
And I yours!
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