Wednesday, March 28, 2012

New York State of Mind - Day 2

Last August we went to NYC with the kids- yes I know that was a LONG time ago...  I posted about our stay at INK 48 and about our first day.  Now after much procrastinating (I had lofty plans of writing a very descriptive post but the pictures truly say it all).  Here is Day Two in pictures...

FIRST UP ON AGENDA - Today Show Toyota Concert Series
Loved hearing Maroon Five rockin' on the plaza!

Grabbed a bite for breakfast at Toasties


Hit the NBC Store

Central Park here we come! 
Where we had apples in the Big Apple.  Climbed rocks. Did dirty water dogs.  Fed the pigeons.

TOP of the ROCK was TOP on our list!

(this totally seems like more than one day doesn't it?)

TOYS R US to ride the Ferris Wheel

NEXT time we go to NYC I want to Experience THE RIDE

Some PICS of us in the BIG APPLE

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