Friday, January 18, 2019

Sometimes Adding a Few Extra Touches Add A Lot - Mini Girls Weekend Extras

For all our weekends even little impromptu ones we have a similar format.  A welcome gift of some sort - whether it be a full bag o' goodies or a fun beach cup filled with lip sunblock, earplugs, Emergen-C, cute socks, chocolates, a little hand lotion, ibuprofen, an itty bitty bottle of nail polish, a beach scented car air freshener and a little can of wine.

Games, games, games - throw a question pack in your beach bag, get some REALLY FUN - adult games to play at night that are sure to make you pee your pj's.

Have a plan for meals - takes so much of the guesswork (and disagreements) out of the weekend.  Whether you are catering ALL your meals or have meal teams definitely make some sort of plan.  Also, make reservations!  If you are going out to dinner research a good local restaurant that accepts reservations - this way the girls know what time to be ready and the restaurant is READY for you.
The Perfect Pig
On this little mini quick getaway I hid some cute little hunks in banana hammocks around the house.  When you found one you WON a PRIZE!

Hire a massage therapist for a day.  All I do is find out who wants a rubbin' and how long they want to be rubbed.  The girls bring a their cash with them and voila' a spa day!  On this trip I used the same INCREDIBLE masseuse that I use every time I head down to the 30a area.  SHE IS AWESOME!  These are some of my secrets to making a weekend away into a WEEKEND GETAWAY!


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